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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Huge and Hyperechoic Yolk Sac on 2D and 3D Ultrasound

Transvaginal ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy. Recent improvements in trans-vaginal ultrasound permit the extremely detailed observation of the morphology of the early conceptus in utero. Huge yolk sac on the left : 2D image with normal appearance of early embrio and large yolc sac(arrowheads). On Middle of the figure can see regular heartbeat of 174 bpm. On the Right pic is 3D image of fetus and yolk sac(arrowheads). 8th weeks and 3 days of menstrual age. Fetal demise was confirmed on the next day, Villous chromosome was 48 , xy , + 15, +32, double trisomy.

Hyperechoic yolk sac can you see on the Left with 2D image, On the Right with 3D image. Nine weeks and 1 days of menstrual age. Normal heart beat was seen. Embryonic death was confirmed three days later. Villous chromosome was trisomy 15. Several advantages to ultrasound examination in early pregnancy. Ultrasound performed during the first trimester confirms an intrauterine pregnancy, establishes accurate dating, and is crucial in diagnosing early pregnancy failure and ectopic pregnancy.

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