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Sunday, July 22, 2012

MSCT Uro ,The Examination Procedures in The Urinary Tract

This procedure have purpose  to determine the position of abnormality / presence of kidney stones until ureter. Governance of the Uro MSCT with cases of urinary tract stones are not using oral contrastThere are two kinds of procedures for implementing MSCT Uro. It is used to implement the following procedures:

I. Procedure without the use of contrast 

Preparation of patients with the procedure without the use of contrast is not that complicated. officers do not need to drink oral contrast. Patients also do not hire to fasting. Once the patient is ready immediately the implementation of the photo. The patient supine on the examination table feet first with the position of the gantry on the abdominal area is set amid the FOV (Field of view). Please load the scout plane / scanogram with a central point (CP) on processus xypoideus. Then Create a non-contrast axial cut from the diaphragm to the pool below the kidneys, which are used thicknes and the interval of 5 mm. Reconstruction interval 1.25 mm thickness 

 II. By contrast injection 

Preparation of patients with this procedure is without a drink oral contrast administration. The contrast fluid is injected in the patient's body. Patients fasted 4 hours . Then the patients must perform a check of renal function creatinine urea.In the implementation of the photos, patient supine with feet first over the kitchen inspection gantry position on the abdominal area is set amid the FOV (Field of View). Scout immediately made plane / scanogram with a central point (CP) on processus xypoideus. Immediate non-contrast axial cuts made from the diaphragm to the pool below the kidneys, thickness and used 10 mm intervals. After that create a piece of post-contrast axial 5 mm in thickness and reconstruction interval of 1, 25If there is anything that can be used an additional way of contrast let prep group. that is, if there is kidney dam then do prep group 5 minutes. when needed can be made late delayed 30 minutes. But if there is no kidney dam: prep group only 60 seconds. While the contrast required flow rate 50 cc 3 cc / sec. Please to do a scan immediately return such as phase contrast with a standard non-prep group that has been determined. Next step is to reformat the image. Coronal reconstruction of axial reformat made, in the abdomen from the diaphragm to the pubic simphisis with 5 mm thickness and interval. Of reconstruction created axial coronal reformat in the abdomen from anterior to posterior abdominal abdomen with 5mm thickness and interval. While the reconstruction created axial sagittal reformat the abdominal region of the abdomen from right to left abdomen with 5 mm thickness and interval. The image was then printed in the film are:
 Film type are follow as : 
1 sheet for the axial position (format 24),1 sheet to position the coronal and sagittal (format 24),1 sheet for a special picture that appears displays the abnormality 2 (rock) should be measured in diameter (format 6 or 8). 

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