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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Protocol for Pleural Cavity/ Mediastum

In the case of trauma accepting the patients position as much as possible. This may be adequate alone but contrast enhancement will greatly increase the amount of information obtained
An enhanced scan should be performed if vascular or nodal involvement is in questions and both pre and post contrast scans should be performed routinely for comparison in initial staging scans. From then on , either on alone may be indicated depending on the departmental protocol
It si usually only necessary to have set of reconstruction on lungs algorithms and lung settings, either pre or post contrast enhancement
In the case of trauma where time is important , a single enhanced scan will give maximum information
Enhanced scan parameters are similar to those of the routine unenhanced scan, following the administration of 50-100 ml of intravenous, preferably non–ionic administered through the antecubital vein at a rate of 2 ml/s , either by hand or pump injection
The scan should be initiated after 30 sec, allowing optimal visualization of medicinal vessels. Scans performed in this way can seen in figure and comparison can be mate with the unenhanced images.
Figure 1. IV Contrast –enahanced thorax scan at level of the aortic arch.

Figure 2.IV contraxt-enhanced scan demonstrating cardiovascular vessels. Comparison can be made with unenhanced images

Fgure 3. IV contrast enhanced thorax scan demonstrating left and right ventricles and septum. Comparison can be made with figure 2

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