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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Radiation Safety In Medical Application

The IAEA is an independent international organization under UN family. The standard as developed by the IAEA are based on principle radiation protection and safety in the fundamental safety principal. The standard that are relevant to radiation safety in medical application of radiation are International Basic Safety Standard(BSS).

In medical application ,examination of diagnostic radiology has become an inseparable part of our daily lives, especially in the clinical management of the patient in health care. Since the discovery of X rays by Roentgen in 1895 then implemented to  produced the radiographic equipment for clinical diagnostic use. The basic principles of radiography has not changed at all, which produces an image on film receptor to the source of radiation from an X-ray beam.The absorption and attenuation as through the various organs or parts of the body. Development of radiological technology has provided many contributions. There is give the broadening the science of radiology and diagnostic capabilities. There also develop in the radiation protection in patients who require the provision of radiation . The clinical needs is an important aspect in diagnostic radiology services that need to be continuous attention. Because for x-ray radiation penetrates the material / material occurs photon collisions with atoms of a material that will cause ionization in the cell material on human body, because x-rays are ionizing radiation, these events which allow the emergence of radiation effects on the body, whether they are non stochastic , stochastic and genetic effects ..

Thus, continuous efforts are needed to conduct safety and health activities in the field of ionizing radiation through radiation protection measures, whether in the form of radiation survey activities, personal monitoring, Quality Assurance radio-diagnostic. Adherence to work procedures with radiation, radiography service standards, standard procedures, radiographs of all these devices to minimize the radiation exposure received by radiation workers, patients and the environment in which aircraft are operated to ionizing radiation

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