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Friday, July 27, 2012

Governance to Protect Radiation Effect

Radiation is the emission and spread of energy through space (media) in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles, or elementary particles with very high kinetic release of materials or equipment used by the installation of radiation in hospitals.
Security impact of radiation is a public health safeguards of the effects of radiation through the promotion and risk prevention of radiation hazards, by conducting the monitoring, investigation and mitigation at the source, environmental media and humans exposed or equipment containing radiation.Requirements according to Nuclear Power Supervisory Board Decision No. 01 Year 1999 on the provisions of the Radiation Safety are:

  1. Dose Limit Value (NBD) for workers exposed to radiation of 50 mSv (milli Sievert) in one year.
  2. NBD for the people who were exposed at 5 mSv within 1 (one) year.


  1. Licensing
    Each hospital that utilizes the exposure of radiation equipment and use of radioactive materials, must obtain permission from the Nuclear Power Supervisory Board (as per Regulation No. 64 Year 2000 on Licensing of Nuclear Power Utilization, article 2, paragraph 1).
  2. Dose Limitation System
    Acceptance of the radiation dose to workers or the public shall not exceed the dose limits set by the Board of Supervisors.
  3. Health Management System Utilization and Safety of Ionizing Radiation
  4. Calibration
    Hospital managers must calibrate the radiation measuring instrument periodically at least 1 (one) year.Hospital managers must calibrate the output radiation (output) radiotherapy equipment regularly for at least 2 (two) years.Calibration can only be done by agencies that have been accredited and appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
  5. Radiation Accident Response
    Hospital managers should take steps to prevent the occurrence of radiation accidents.In the event of radiation accidents, hospital managers should make efforts to control priority on human safety.The location where the incident should be insulated with a special mark such as a fence, goods or materials exposed to radiation to be isolated and decontaminated.In the event of radiation accidents, hospital managers must immediately report the occurrence of radiation accidents and mitigation efforts to the Board of Supervisors and other relevant agencies.
  6. Radioactive Waste Management
    Low-level radioactive waste and the level of being obliged to collect, classify, or to process and temporarily store radioactive wastes prior to submission to the Executive Board.Radioactive waste management in nuclear medicine unit do the sorting by type of effluent and solid waste.

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