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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Future Development of Multislice CT

The trend towards a larger number of slices will not be driven by need to increase scan speed in spiral acquisition modes, But rather by new clinical applications that potentially become possible with these detector and system designs. Dynamic volume imaging becomes feasible , opening up a whole spectrum of new applications, such as functional or volume perfusion studies. Recently the manufactures introduced systems targeting application, again pursuing different technological paths to reach the same goal. Toshiba introduced a 320 slice scanner that allow covering whole oragan during one rotation. It based on prototype a scanner scanner with 256 x 0.5 mm detector element(Mori, 2004-2006). Siemens introduced a 128 slice scanner with dynamic spiral shuttle mode that allow data of 4D was acquiring large volume.The figure shows an example of a perfusion scan of complete brain acquired with that technology.

Whole brain perfusion study on Siemen SOMTOM definition AS +, Using dtector configuration of 128 x 0,6 mm, whole brain perfusion studies can be carried out by using a spesial spiral shuttle mode that uses a sinosoidal motion of the patient table to cover the wohle brainb for a period 30s

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