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Sunday, July 08, 2012

Marketing Service Planning to Set Up a Cardiac CT Lab

The service must eloquently marketed to the medical community abd to the general public. Close relationships need to be developed and maintained for strong referral base. The referring practice will largely comprise of cardiologist but may also include primary care physician, surgeons and self referred patients. Referring physicians to physician informal discussions, by informative lectures (continuing medical education or grand round) by open house the facility and by way of instructional printed resources. The marketing efforts should also focus on colleagues in the department as they are more apt to recommend a CTA if they were more knowledgeable about technology.
After being scanned , a quick review of the images with the patient helps with the “wow” factors of pretty pictures. Reviewing the coronary images with the patients also provides visual evidence for active intervention, such as lifestyle changer or the addition of medications. This guides the primary care physicians in pharmaceutical intervention and makes it easier to convince the reluctant patient to start certain medications(sucks us statin)
Another key aspect of marketing is report generation. The report should include the language used by cardiologists, as they a large referring group and color images of the salient findings. Some laboratories provide a CD with the report in order to demonstrate 3D volume rendered images and angiograms of coronary arteries to aid the referring physicians in making essentials management decisions. To close the loops, feedback from referring base a critical step for enhancement of day to day laboratory operations.

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