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Thursday, May 31, 2012

PET CT Scan, The Efficient Method To Early Detection of Cancer

Cancer is really a disease whose occurrence caused a poor lifestyle, cancer could be prevented and detected in early stages. If you feel healthy, although not mean you steer clear of the possibility of having a potential cancer. The main reason, today's modern lifestyle, making those who have a low intake of immune strengthening effect. One method to detect cancer prior to the cancer cells grow actively harm your body is the method of PET CT Scan.

"PET CT scan is really a way to detect cancer that's more efficient than CT scan alone," said dr. Ivana Dewi Mulyanto, a professional in internal medicine MRCCC Siloam Hospital, Semanggi Jakarta.

When the first is known to detect cancer is a technique of CT Scan (Computed Tomography Scan) is detected to look for the location of cancer using x-ray, PET CT scan is a technique that combines the methods of PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and CT. Within the PET method, cancer screening is performed by using FDG radiopharmaceutical liquid, radioactive liquid glucose  .

"Liquid glucose is injected in to the body. Because many cancer cells require glucose for metabolic process and doubles at. When viewed in the scan much glucose is absorbed inside a particular body part, using the gray color is darker within the scan, it showed a cell active cancer, "explained a doctor explains Ivana.

"Compared to CT scan alone, PET CT scan is much more efficient because it could be detected from toe to go. Meanwhile, if the CT scan alone cannot directly screening of   whole body," he added.

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