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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Vertebral CT Scan Examination Techniques

The vertebral column is composed 33 irregular bones that extend from the base of the skull through the entire length of the neck and trunk. With the attachment of muscle , ligament and supporting inter vertebral disc, the column forms a strong, flexible support for the body while protecting the spinal cord and its surrounding meninges.
The column can be divided into upper 24 presacral vertebrae, which remain separate throughout life and the fixed vertebrae, which constitute the five sacral and four coccygeal segments. Although a detailed explanation of the anatomy is beyond the scope of this text, an understanding of the basic anatomic features  of the vertebral column is necessary to appreciate the abnormalities that maty be encountered in spine-injured patient.
There is no special preparation on the patient, only instructions-instructions regarding patient positioning and inspection procedures shall be notified so clear. Examination will performed in the cold room, so the patient should be closed down blanket. Patient must replaced with a dress shirt patients in order to avoid artifacts arising.
Tools and Materials
Tools and materials for a CT scan of the lumbar vertebrae Columna:

  •      Plane CT-Scan
  •      Apron
  •      Oxygen tube
  •      Blanket
  •      Sstandard infusion
Examination techniques
  • Patient positioning: Patient supine on an exam table with an upper limit on the processus xypoideus object, the patients were immobilized band so that the patient does not move.
  • The position of the object: Mid sagittal plane (MSP) is placed right in the middle of the patient examination table. Both hands placed over his head holding on to the handle. The upper limit is set on the processus xypoidus object. Mid Coronal Plane (MCP) is set on the center line of the horizontal plane. Lower limit is set at the symphysis pubis object. Patients were fixed to avoid movement of the patient during the examination takes place.    
  • The Scan parameters are follow as :
         Scanogram: Side View
         Slice Thickness: 5-10mm
         Range: up to simpisis xypoideus processus pubis
         FOV: 39 cm
         kV: 120
         mas: 205
         Reconstruction algorithm: High resolution
         Window width: 300
         Window level: -50 to -100

Film Processing
This is example of vertebra axial Ct Scan Imaging : 

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