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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hydatid Liver Disease Detected by CT Scan Abdomen

Hydatid Liver disease now can diagnostic by CT Scan. The multislice CT Scanner can see this diseases by imaging process the patient. Hydatid disease is aworldwide zoonosis produced by the larval stage of the Echinococcus tapeworm. Humans become infected by ingestion of eggs of the tapeworm E garanulosus either by eat  contaminated food or contact with dogs. The ingested embryos invade the intestinal mucosal wall and proceed to the liver via the portal venous system. Although the liver filters out most of these embryos, that are not destroyed become hepatic hydatid cyst. The two main types caused by E. Granulosis(cysticus) and E. Multilocularis(alveolaris). Imaging findings depend on stage of disease . Hydatid cyst may be unicular, may contain daughter cyst and may be partially calcified. Calcification are seen in 20-30% and mostly curvilinear.When slicing on CT Scan the diseases can look like in this figure :

Figure. Axial CECT reveals well defined lesions showing multiple intralesional daughters cyst

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