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Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Fifth Week Embryological View on Ultrasound

Fig 1. 3D ultrasound in 5 weeks of pregnancy. The deep neural groove abd the first somites are presenr. The embryo us almost straight and somites produce conspicuous surface elevation. Gestational sac can be visualized as a small spherical anechoic structure placed inside one of the endometrial leaves.
Fig 2 .3D power doppler reveals intensive vascular activity surrounding thr chorionic shell starting from the first sonographic evidence of the developing pregnancy during the 5 week of gestation
The abdominal 3D gestational sac vision at this age is not easy to see, and there is no improvement when compared only twith 2D. At the present the transvaginal route is useful.The sacs shape is round between the fifth and sixth week and becomes oval later on. Irregular forms such as enlarged.

The deep neural groove and the first somites are present. The embryo is almost straight and somites produce conspicuous surface elevation. The heart prominence is distinct and the optic pits are present.The attenuated tail with its somites is also a characteristic feature.

3D ultrasound findings: Gestational sac can be visualized as a small spherical anechoic structure placed inside one of the endometrial leaves. 3D sonography enables precise measurement of exponentially expanding gestational sac volume during the first trimester. Kupesic and coworkers that 3D measurement of yolk sac volume and vascularity may be predictive of a pregnancy outcome. Using this noninvasive modality, one can obtain multiplanar and surface images in reduced scanning time. Surface images seem to be beneficial in the evaluation of the yolk sac echogenecity and detection of the hyperechoic yolk sac which may indicate chromosomal abnormality. Automatic and manual volume calculation allows analysis of the precise relationship between the yolk sac and gestational sac volumes, as well as assessment of the correlation between yolk sac volume and CRL measurements. Planar mode tomograms are useful for detecting the embryonic pole inside the gestational sac. The embryo itself can be seen 24 to 48 hr after visualization of the yolk sac, at approximately 33 days after menstruation, yt which is 2 to 3 mm long. Adjacent to the yolk sac, embryo can be seen as a small straight line measuring by the end of 5th gestational week.

3D power Doppler findings: 3D power Doppler reveals intensive vascular activity surrounding the chorionic shell staring from the first sonographic evidence of the developing pregnancy during the 5th week of gestation.Gestational sac can be detected as a tiny ring-shaped structure at the beginning of gestational age of five weeks. 3D power Doppler reveals intense vascular activity surrounding it. A hyperechoic chorionic ring is interrupted by color-coded sprouts of early intervillous and spiral artery blood flow. At the end of the fifth week, when the gestational sac exceeds 8 mm, the small secondary yolk sac is visible as the earliest sign of the developing embryo

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