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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Reducing Artifact use 3D Recontruction

Reducing artefact on CT system is can do with more technique. The main improvement on the multiplanar reconstruction and 3D has been around since the introduction of helical CT scans and increased again with multislice CT.
Helical artifacts in multislice scanning 

On Ct Scan more readily multislice image distortions resulting from interpolate ​​helical transactional than single slice CT Scan. But with the use of z-helical interpolation filter for the interpolation of two points, especially when the filter width used is wider than the detector acquisition.The relationship between helical pitch and the damage caused by more complex artifacts in multislice CT scans than single slice CT Scan. Reduced artifacts appear when the value of non-integer pitch, relative to the width of the detector acquisition is used. This is because the z-axis sampling density maximum for non-integer pitch. 

The Cone Beam Effect 
The cone beam effect a potential cause of artifacts in multislice CT. When the tube and detector around the object, the same data collected by each - each loaded detector volume between the two cones, rather than an ideal straight field. Artifacts more visible on the outside of the detector rows than the inside, when the data collected closer to the field.Manufacturer's efforts to reduce cone beam artefacts. Cone beam artefacts look worse in thin slices and wide cone angle. Making the 16 slice CT Scan should be more artefact than the potential occurs 4 slice CT Scan. However, manufacturers have solved the problem by applying a variation form cone beam reconstruction than a standard reconstruction techniques used in CT 

Stair step artefacts 
Stair step artefacts visible around the edges of structures on multiplane and 3D reconstructions when Collimation of wide and non-overlapping reconstruction interval used. Stair step artifacts virtually disappear on multiplanar and 3D reconstruction with a thin slice multislice CT Scan date.

 Zebra Artefacts 
Strip may look dim on multiplane and 3D reconstruction in helical, helical interpolation process due to an increase in the degree of noise is not homogeneous along the z-axis. Effect of 'zebra' become more apparent from the rotation axis is not homogeneous due to noise is worse in the off-axis.
scan 4 slices.

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